
How to wear green on St. Paddy's Day without being tacky

Seeing green

It's the time of year again where everyone suddenly decides that they're Irish, and the green gear comes out in full swing. After all, you don't want to risk being pinched for having no green on!

But before you break out the shamrock tee shirt, check out the outfit inspo we've found that will make sure you're festive, but not tacky.

Legs for days

Green pants are super in right now, and you won't look like you're trying to dress up for a holiday. Throw on a muted green pair like these and you won't have to worry about being "too much" (which is NOT A THING but whatever).

Sweater weather

If it's still frigid where you are, why not wear something cute, sporty, and COZY? I love the stripe detail on this one, which makes it good for everyday wear, too.


If you're spending the day at the "pub," you'll want something you can take off and tie around your waist when you get hot. Grab a flannel with some deep green in it, and you'll fulfill the green requirement while looking cute and casual.

A bright sweatshirt

Bright green doesn't always have to look costume-ey! A sweatshirt like this one is cozy, but totally going-out appropriate (the tied bottom adds that extra something).

A bag!

When in doubt, accessorize. Adding a bag with pops of green to your outfit is a no-brainer.

A bathing suit??

If you're celebrating St. Paddy's Day in paradise during spring break, why not incorporate green into your bathing suit? Easy peasy- and you won't have to worry about spilling any beverages on your outfit!

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