
Fridge Raider Sweet Potato Salad

There's no waste when it comes to my cooking so use up all those random ingredients to whip up something tasty and filling with just a few added herbs and spices! This sweet potato and feta salad is a great way to use up feta cheese, I always find that I have some of this left at the end of the week because it's impossible to finish a whole block.
This is one of my favourite lunches. It's super tasty, amazingly healthy and perfect for putting in a lunchbox and eating mid-lecture!
  1. Start by chopping the potatoes and then roast or boil them until soft. I roast them in a drizzle of honey, splash of oil and throw in some whole garlic cloves and pop them into the oven at 180° for around 25 minutes.
  2. Chop up any salad ingredients you have left, spring onion works fab and if you have any frozen peas or green beans then pop them in the microwave and add them in too for an extra bit of green.
  3. Mix the salad and potato chunks together, drizzle in some olive oil and season with a crack of pepper or a small splash of balsamic vinegar.
  4. Finally crumble some feta cheese over the top and be ready to be amazed by how delicious this combo is.
  5. Spoon a splodge of greek yog mixed with paprika or basil on top for a creamy dip. This is my favourite!

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