
How to wear red for AW17

Is red the new millennial pink? It’s no secret that red clothing have sky rocketed their way to high street shop floors in many different hues. Times have changed, it’s no longer a colour that’s exclusively worn at Christmas, you can now look like a fully fledged red Crayola in winter and it’s socially acceptable! If you’re thinking about injecting this trend into your wardrobe, New Look are giving you 20% off! Here are my best picks of the bunch.

Put on a vinyl

I love me a good vinyl coat, adding textures can really add a point of interest to any outfit. There’s just something I like about this waterproofing material that ultimately protects you from the rain while also looking like the god child of Michael Jackson. Pair this jacket with a culotte jumpsuit layered with a knitted polo neck underneath. Vinyl also works in skirt form, wear with your favourite band tee and straight leg jeans, paired with converse or boots.

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Topping it off

NOTHING beats a good ol’ t-shirt, casual while also letting out your inner 5 year old self and I’m all for that so what’s not to love? I love the look of vermillion red against a pair of bleached straight leg jeans, add a bit of height with some heeled ankle boots.

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Awesome accessories

Almost every blogger has been wearing those tassel earrings we all know too much about, I must have scrolled past someone wearing them on Instagram at least 10 times. They come in all colours of the rainbow and adds a bit of sass. Complete the trend with tonal blocking and wear a top that’s a shade different. Why not try the flower tassel drop versions or these burgundy stud tassels?

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