
The Ultimate Guide To Cold Weather Cuddliness

It's that magical time of year again: when the Polar Vortex descends upon us all and freezes everything in it's wake a la Princess Elsa on a particularly stressful day. When the weather outside is frightful, it's often too scary to even think about venturing away from your nice, warm laptop. But like, maybe you don't even need to.

Joey Sweaters Gif Source

Here's your attack plan: grab a hot (preferably boozy) drink, your AppleTV remote, lock the door, crank up your heat, and say hello to the wonderful world of the great indoors. We'll get through this winter together, we promise.

Step 1: Lounge Around

Nothing says "Bring it, Winter" like a thick-knit sweater in a playful Fair Isle pattern.

Step 2: Drink Up

Who doesn't love a steaming mug of chocolatey goodness? Forgo the ubiquitous chalky packets of the instant stuff and easily whip up a batch of melty goodness with everyone's favorite chocolate spread (and a dash or two of booze).

Want to further zhoosh up your hot chocolate? Toss in a few gourmet marshmallows from Mouth for optimal gooeyness. And whether you're craving cocoa or tea (or a solid hot toddy), you're going to need something to drink it out of—opt for a cute, quality mug, complete with a saucer that's the perfect size for a few cookies.

Hot Chocolate GIF Source

3. Surround Yourself With Sound

Optimize your dorm or apartment's cozy factor by making it in to a cuddly, snuggly den. One great way to do that? By stringing up lights that pull double duty with Bluetooth speakers interspersed throughout soft twinkly lights. Whether you're watching your 90th episode of the day or a #ImportantFilm for class, you'll be able to feel like you've installed surround sound.

4. Banish Cold Hands To The Tundra

The issue: you've got a term paper due in T-minus 24 hours, but it feels like minus 12 degrees inside your home. The solution: a pair of hand warmers that make you look like an abominable snowperson but feel like you're living in the tropics. Chilly hands warm up in no time thanks to these plush gloves that borrow power from your laptop and save the day without getting in your way.

Step 5: Become The Grizzly

OK yeah so maybe you could "layer appropriately," or "wear warm outfits," but why go through all that bother when you could just straight up hibernate in a blanket reminiscent of the fur of the noble Grizzly bear? Warmth, comfort, and fuzziness: hear you roar.

Now that you know how, it's time to just let the warmth wash over you this winter. Stay cuddly, folks!

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