
5 Bedroom Workout Moves

Although university is such a fun part of life, there are some aspects of your life that can fall to the wayside if you don't pay attention. One of these is fitness and exercise. When you are cramped into a small room and constantly studying, it can seem impossible to get any exercise in, but I'm hear to tell you it is possible.
Here are five workout moves you can do in your bedroom to stay on top of your fitness on your study breaks. Plus, remember that you can always head out for a power walk or a run before or after classes to clear your head. Hooray for free fitness!

1. Sit-Ups and Crunches

Sit-ups and crunches are an easy way to work out your abdomen muscles and they don't require a lot of space!  If they are hard for you to do without your feet being held down, don't hesitate to ask your roommate if they want to hold your feet and you can do the same for them.  Having a workout buddy is always a plus!

2. Push-Ups

Push-ups are a great way to work out your arm muscles.  If you haven't worked your arms out in awhile, I would recommend starting push-ups with your knees on the floor to make them slightly easier.  In no time you should be able to do standard push-ups!

3. Squats

Squats are a quick and easy way to work out your leg muscles and don't require much space or time which is perfect for a busy student like you!

4. Jumping Jacks

 I love doing jumping jacks when I'm starting to feel tired or bored of studying.  It helps my blood to get flowing and gives me a much needed boost of energy.

5. Walk in Place

Whenever my legs get restless from sitting at my desk studying, I always love to walk in place while reading or going over notes from class.  It's a great way to get cardio in without thinking about it.

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